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Sending Fax after Speaking on Telephone

If you want to speak to the recipient before sending a fax, or if the recipient does not have a fax device that can receive faxes automatically, send a fax manually after speaking to the recipient on the telephone to check whether the recipient can receive faxes.


  • It may be possible that faxes will reach unintended recipients due to the misdialing or incorrect registration of fax/telephone numbers. When you send important documents, we recommend that you send them after speaking on the telephone. See below for the procedure to send a fax manually.

  • With manual transmission, you cannot use the platen to load documents. Load the documents in the ADF (Auto Document Feeder).

    When loading document on the platen, send a fax with automatic transmission.

  • To speak to the recipient before sending a fax, you need to connect a telephone to the printer.

    For details on how to connect the telephone to the printer:


  1. Check that printer is turned on.

  2. Load documents in the ADF.

  3. Select Fax on the HOME screen.

    The Fax standby screen is displayed.

  4. Adjust the scan contrast and resolution as necessary.

  5. Lift the handset of the telephone connected to the printer.

  6. Use the telephone to dial the recipient's fax/telephone number.

  7. Speak to the recipient.

    When you hear a high-pitched signal instead of the recipient's voice, you cannot check whether the recipient can receive faxes. If you want to stop sending the fax, hang up handset. If you want to send the fax, go to step 9.

  8. Ask the recipient to set the recipient's fax device to receive faxes.

  9. When you hear a high-pitched signal, press the Black button or the Color button.


    • Color transmission is available only when the recipient's fax device supports color faxing.

  10. Hang up the handset.